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Jesus arrived on the stage of Human history with a Mission — to reveal who God is, to demonstrate his reign and reconcile all things to himself.
After a public Ministry of Preaching and performing Miracles, Jesus was arrested, sentenced to death and crucified on a Roman Cross. He Died a gritty death, was buried in the ground, and then Rose again from the grave, Victorious over Satan, sin, and Death itself.
In Living, Dying and Rising again Jesus made a way of Salvation for all who Believe. His Crucifixion Paid the punishment that we deserved for the way we have treated God. He Died so that we don’t have to. And He Rose so that we who would see New Life.
At the Cross the worst about us, our sins, was laid upon Christ, and the best about Him, His Righteousness was laid upon us.
Jesus offers Eternal Life, Abundant Joy, the Gift of the Holy Spirit and reconciliation with God to anyone who would entrust themselves to Him.
Those who Believe in Jesus are freed from sin, guilt, and shame. They’re invited into God’s Family, freely given a Living Hope and Inheritance that will never perish, spoil or fade. They’re Commissioned to continue His Mission throughout the world, telling others about Jesus and inviting them to Follow Him.
One day Jesus will Return. The Bible tells us that on that day, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that he is the Lord. But for now He wants us to Live for Him, to Declare the Praises of His Glory through our Faith and Words.

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